How to fix your damaged hair

Dealing with damaged hair can be a frustrating experience, characterized by a rough, dry texture, split ends, and increased vulnerability to breakage. In this guide, we'll delve into the causes of damaged hair and explore effective solutions, including the marvels of bond building treatments.

Causes of Damaged Hair:

  1. Excessive Heat Styling: Frequent use of hot styling tools strips natural moisture, leading to dryness and breakage.

  2. Chemical Treatments: Coloring, bleaching, and perming weaken hair structure, removing the protective layer.

  3. Poor Hair Care Habits: Rough handling, incorrect brushing, and tight hairstyles contribute to breakage.

  4. Environmental Factors: Exposure to harsh weather, UV rays, and pollution can result in dryness and damage.

  5. Overwashing or Incorrect Washing: Frequent washing with harsh shampoos strips natural oils, leaving hair vulnerable.

  6. Lack of Moisture: Insufficient hydration leads to dry, brittle hair prone to breakage.

Solutions for Damaged Hair:

Bond building treatments, the superheroes for damaged hair. These treatments, rich in protein, repair damage and strengthen hair.

Understanding the science behind these treatments reveals that hair, predominantly made of keratin, contains tiny bonds holding it together. Exposure to high-pH chemicals during processes like coloring weakens these bonds, causing damage. Bond building treatments fix these bonds, making hair physically stronger and creating a protective layer to shield against future damage.

Meet the Nourishing family from the Davines naturaltech line—a three-step system designed to treat damaged hair. Includes a bond-rebuilding Hair Protective Booster that repairs damage and restores fragile bonds broken by heat styling or bleaching. With vegetal keratin, it not only strengthens but also imparts a glossy, healthy look.

We also recommend to limit the use of hot styling tools and use heat protectant products. Embrace natural hairstyles to give your hair a break from heat. Incorporate these practices into your routine to ensure the continued strength and health of your hair.

In conclusion, understanding the causes of damaged hair empowers you to take proactive steps towards healthier, stronger strands. Bond building treatments and a mindful hair care routine can work wonders in restoring your hair's vitality and resilience.


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